
Here to help you get the most out of your golf equipment!

My name is Robert. I am a 30 year old guy living in Dallas TX. This allows me to play golf 12 months a year. I love being able to do what I love 12 months a year. I have a wife and one dog named Dobby. You will see both Dobby and my wife make appearances on social media and in a post here and there!

I know the biggest question you will have is what makes me an “expert”. Well simply put, I have been in and around the golf equipment game for the last 12 years. I have been closely involved for the last 5 years. This includes working for a shaft manufacturer. During my time working for a shaft company, I worked with just about every single OEM you can imagine! I know the in and the outs and some of the insider information! Let me help you build a bag on a budget. Let me tell you how good the new stuff is.

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